Neshama Hospice Program

In recent years we have seen a marked increase in senior animals entering local shelters--many times because their human owner is going to a nursing home, or into hospice, or simply can no longer provide adequate care for their dog or cat. These loyal and loving companions are often overlooked in shelters due to their age, health issues, or special needs. 

Most of these dogs and cats have spent their entire lives as cherished pets, only to find themselves abandoned or surrendered during their most vulnerable years.

This is a systemic problem in our society. We believe that, where possible, family members of these senior dogs and cats should step forward and provide a loving home to these pets so they can live out their days in comfort and peace. However for various reasons that is not always possible.

Neshama Animal Rescue strives to  save these animals from shelters and allow them to live out their time on earth with a loving hospice foster parent, or fospice parent. Whether that time is one week, one month, or even one year, they deserve it.  Every dog and cat that enter's the care of Neshama Animal Rescue is evaluated by the Board of Directors and a team of advisors which includes veterinarian partners and experienced foster parents.  This evaluation determines if we think any one particular animal should remain in our care as a hospice, or would be eligible for adoption. Every case and situation is evaluated separately. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What does hospice fostering entail?

We rely on individual homes to provide love and shelter for senior fospice animals.  Neshama Animal Rescue provides food, veterinary care, medicine, and advice on how to care for your new fospice animal. 

Can I adopt an animal that is in hospice?

Generally speaking when we take in an animal and deem it to be a hospice case, we do not offer that animal for adoption. In certain scenrarious and situations we do allow hospice animals to be formally adopted. If you feel led to formally adopt a hospice animal, thereby freeing up space in the rescue for us to be able to save another senior, we would be grateful. 

I don't think I could care for an elderly/senior animal and get attached only to see them pass away soon.

We hear this a lot! And not just for hospice fostering; but also from people who would foster a young and healthy animal, only to have that animal get adopted! We understand. Fostering an animal of any age will certainly expose you to some potential heartbreak. However, we ask that you put yourselves in the position of that animal who so desperatelty wants out of a shelter and into a home to be loved and cherished. Knowing that you can make their last days the best they've ever had is a profound experience that outweighs the sorrow of saying goodbye.

Moreover, if fostering is not for you, please consider making a donation or sponsoring a Neshama animal. Senior animals often need extra care from our veterinarian partners, which can get expensive. 

Interested in learning more? Please contact us at or apply at